Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Watch giant California Condors in the wild

Clock the comeback of the California condor at Ventana Wildlife Society’s newly constructed condor base camp. With a wingspan of nearly 10 feet, North America’s largest land bird, and one of the largest flying birds in the world, is truly a magnificent sight to see. Enthusiasts can overnight at the rustic rearing/release facility set 2,800 ft. above the Pacific in Big Sur, and participate in tracking and feeding these giants of the sky. Happy hour includes watching the birds fly in to roost as the sun sets, followed by a hike to the feeding grounds.

On the endangered species list since 1967, the California condor now thrives on Big Sur’s rugged coastline and at Pinnacles National Monument in Soledad. Since 1998, Ventana Wildlife Society has re-established 42 condors to the wild. Other options include day trips to base camp and two-hour tracking tours led by a wildlife biologist using specialized equipment to monitor nesting, feeding and flying habits. Learn more here.

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