Monday, April 19, 2010

$5 RV oil change--for real

CARSON, CA -- If you've taken your mammoth motorhome in for an oil change, you know just how much that can set you back. Now a California RV dealer wants to yank you into the store on a sweet deal: Just $5 for an oil change. But like everything else almost too good to be true, this offer does come with a catch.

The dealer, Altmans Winnebago of Carson, California says they'll offer $5 oil changes--including the oil filter--to the first 120 customers May 15 and 16th at their Carson dealership. If you can't make that date, then you might be one of the 60 slots open at the company's big event at the RV Expo in Colton the following weekend.

Here's the catch: You'll need to get a reservation for the service work--and as soon as the next motorhome owner reads this post, you can be sure he'll be buzzing up the wire trying to secure one of those coveted service slots. Call Altmans now at 310-518-6182.

map courtesy

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